• NCK Exam Past papers
  • NCK

Nursing Council Of Kenya Past papers with answers (Degree and Diploma)

  • Reading time: 3 minutes, 21 seconds
  • Revised on: 2024-03-13

Preparation and revision for the Nursing Council Of Kenya licensure examinations can be a daunting task if not done effectively.

Effective and productive revision requires good and concise revision materials to give you all the accurate and reliable content and past examination papers to give you a glimpse and idea of the most commonly set and tested areas.

Accessing all the past papers is one task and answering all of the questions with correct answers together with their rationales is another task. Both of these can seem unachievable in a short time but Medcrine has eased the way to do it. We have taken a chance to collect all the past papers and their questions, answered them correctly, and included their rationales.

Structure of the online Nursing Council Licensure Examination.

To get a glimpse of the structure of these questions let's have a rough overview of the exam.

Initially, candidates sat for four exam papers, that is; paper one to paper four, over two examination days. However, since the outbreak of the covid pandemic, the Nursing Council of Kenya shifted the structure of the questions and the method of answering them to an online examination.

Currently, the exam is done in only two papers consisting of 100 multiple-choice questions each using an online proctoring platform known as Digi Proctor.

Composition of the papers

Paper One

The current paper one comprises the following areas:

  1. Adult nursing
  2. Pediatric nursing
  3. Critical care and theatre nursing
  4. Professionalism and trends in nursing
  5. Communication and counseling
  6. Introduction to reproductive health
  7. Pregnancy, labor, and the puerperium
  8. Contraceptive technology
  9. Gynecology

Paper two

Paper two comprises :

  1. Introduction to community health nursing,
  2. Primary health care
  3. Environmental Health
  4. Communicable diseases
  5. Community Health and Community Diagnosis
  6. Special health issues
  7. Home-based care
  8. Mental health and psychiatric nursing
  9. Sociology and anthropology
  10. Research in Nursing
  11. Leadership and management
  12. Teaching and learning methodology.

How to access NCK past papers and answers

Worried about how to access these said past papers? You don't need to do so because you're on the right track and right platform. Most of these past papers are already on our platform, structured, answered, and explained.

We have updated and included the past papers for both diploma in community health nursing (KRCHN) and a degree in nursing(BSCN).

Step 1: Create your account

What you only need to do is to create an account here at https://medcrine.com/signup/

Step 2: Log in to your account

After successful signup, you will be redirected to your account login page or you can click on https://medcrine.com/login to log in to your dashboard.

Step 3: Select Question Bank

From your user dashboard menu, select the question bank tab, and a page will open highlighting all the areas with question banks. From the list, select the nursing question bank.

Step 4: Select Nursing question bank

Under this tab, there are a number of tests covering practice tests from each nursing specialty, from the list select NCK Past papers.

Step 5: Select NCK Past papers

Under this tab, there are two modes, the BSCN Past papers, and KRCHN past papers. Select any that you want to review

Step 6: Select your preferred past paper either KRCHN or BSCN Past papers

If you are a degree nurse, select BSCN Past papers and for diploma, nurses select KRCHN Past papers

Step 7: Select a test

Select a test bank arranged in respective years. In some tests, we have broken down the tests into smaller parts with about 50 questions per part for easy revision.

Step 8: Start attempting the past paper MCQs

Do the questions as you would do during an online exam and after testing your knowledge, you will then be redirected to the answer page.

Step 9: Access and view your results, answers, and rationales

The resulting transcript gives you a comprehensive explanation of the answers, their rationales, and why the selected answer was wrong or right.

Step 10: Access your performance tab at any time

Get started today by creating an account at https://medcrine.com/signup/


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Dan Ogera

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